Saturday, November 3, 2012

Learning to Embrace One's Mistakes

When you look around a room, it's usually easy to tell who is confident just by the body language he or she has.  However, people encounter plenty of situations each day that often can bring down their level of self pride.

In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, confidence is taken to a whole new level by Hester Prynne.  Because she committed adultery and bore an illegitimate child, she is forced to wear a scarlet "A" on her chest so everyone she sees will know what she has done.  Although most people would be ashamed of this sign of indecency and try to hide it, Hester proudly wears the A on her dress as she steps into public view after leaving the prison.  She knows that there is no point in letting the criticism of the crowd surrounding her bother her and decides to just accept the past for what it is.

I feel as though everyone can learn an important lesson from Hester: Don't let actions of the past bring you down once they can't be changed.  Sure, we all regret things like doing so poorly on a test that we were just 1% away from failing (does the Babylon Revisited test ring a bell for anyone?) or liking someone that we end up realizing is a jerk, but at the same time, we cannot let that bring us down for the rest of our lives.  If you spend too much time reflecting on what you've done wrong in your life, you won't have time to do anything right.  People make mistakes that will haunt them for the rest of their lives, but they can't be taken back once they happen. The only thing you can do is embrace them and learn lessons along the way, as Hester did.


  1. I love this post, honestly. My motto was "live life with no regrets". Also, I love the connection to the Babylon Test and the "jerk". Haha. nice pictures, too.

  2. I agree with Sarah! Your comments and connections are truly powerful! One the note of making mistakes...I think it is so important for perfectionists to realize that if they keep trying to be perfect they will undoubtedly fall short--it is an impossible ideal. I am just as much a victim of this as anybody else.

  3. This post made me realize how influential Hester Prynne is! She really has very good qualities and is a model we should live by...other than the adultery part XD

  4. Nice post! I really liked your message at the end to not live in the past. I also liked how you showed how much of a role model Hester can be for everyone. The reference to the Babylon test was also funny. Good job once again!

  5. It is so true that in order to rectify mistakes of the past,and live in the present,we must move on and forgive ourselves for our imperfections.
