Sunday, June 2, 2013

"Better than Revenge"

"Better than revenge."  These three words seem simple enough, right?  I mean, Taylor Swift sings the phrase repeatedly in her song by the same name.  Oddly enough, Swift's words can even be related to Shakespeare's play entitled Hamlet.

In Hamlet, the protagonist (Hamlet) must decide whether or not to get revenge against his Uncle/Step-dad/King Claudius, who he believes killed his father in order to become the latter two.  Throughout the play, Hamlet considers the advantages and disadvantages of avenging Claudius, finally deciding towards the end of the play to get revenge.  However, quickly after getting revenge, Hamlet himself dies.  Coincidence?  I think not.

There are many things in life which are "better than revenge."  Sure, it's tempting to get someone back after they kiss your boyfriend while you are going out or break your heart, but would doing so help your situation? Nope. Rather, it would put you in an even harder place, knowing that you've been unable to resist temptation and hurt someone else along the way.  Choosing an option other than revenge - such as trying to help the person learn from their mistake or forgiving the person for what they did - will probably be better for both of you in the long run.

Next time you feel inclined to avenge someone because they have wronged you, remember that there are plenty of things "better than revenge."

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